‘Stunting and malnutrition big challenges facing govt’
Despite several government health programmes, 39% of children under five in India are short for their age, (stunted) according to findings by Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Vandana Krishna (IAS), Director General of Maharashtra State Health and Nutrition Mission spoke on why the government should take the problem of malnutrition seriously. Vandana has headed the Woman and Child department of the State twice, and has been the Secretary, Health and Family Welfare department and she has also been the Mission Director of National Rural Health Mission. Q How can we identify problems related to severe malnutrition like stunting and wasting? First, we must recognize that stunting is a huge problem for India. Stunting means low height for age and wasting means low weight for height. Early childhood stunting causes irreversible damage to overall health of children. Their IQ and lifelong productivity is affected...